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(214) 761-0707

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Prostitution charges and the related charges of solicitation and pandering range from misdemeanor to felony charges in Texas. Prostitution and solicitation charges are generally misdemeanor charges unless additional factors elevate the charges to aggravated promotion of prostitution, or if the person solicited is younger than 18 years of age, regardless of whether the actor knows the age of the person solicited at the time, which are considered felonies.

Whether your charge is a misdemeanor or felony, it is a crime in Texas to engage a prostitute to perform sexual acts for payment, or to receive money in exchange for sexual acts. If you face solicitation or pandering charges charges, or if you have questions regarding prostitution, contact attorney Paul Johnson at (214) 761-0707.

Local law enforcement officials have increased enforcement of prostitution laws. District attorneys have also focused their attention on prostitution convictions in the current social climate.

A conviction of prostitution and other crimes known as "crimes of moral turpitude" can cause significant and permanent future challenges for employment and damage your reputation. If you are a prostitute, call girl or accused of promoting prostitution, your defense is critically important. In addition, a conviction now can greatly increase legal ramifications for any criminal conviction in the future.

We understand that in most circumstances, if you are accused of hiring a prostitute, you may have no prior record, you may want to keep the matter private and you may wish to avoid trial to avoid potentially negative effects on your marriage, family or employment.

If you have questions regarding being charged with prostitution, either as a "John" or as a sex worker, contact the Law Offices of Paul Johnson. While it may seem like there is overwhelming evidence is compiled against you, you have a chance to mount a forceful defense. If you face serious criminal charges, contact the Law Offices of Paul Johnson, for a free initial consultation. Attorney Paul Johnson defends people throughout Texas, specifically in the counties of Dallas, Denton, Collin, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Rockwall, Tarrant and many others.

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